Carbon Capture

Providing natural carbon capture solutions through tree planting schemes

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We can help landowners improve their environmental impact, provide carbon capture funding and deliver tree planting schemes

At Booth Ventures we share a deep passion for preserving the environment. As a company, we’re committed to providing natural carbon capture solutions to help reduce the carbon footprint in the atmosphere. Our primary focus is on tree planting schemes, which have proven to be an effective way to tackle climate change.

We work closely with community forests and can access funding to help you plant trees on your land. By doing so, we not only combat climate change but also create new habitats for local species. It’s a win-win situation that benefits both the environment and the community.

Join us in our mission to protect the planet for future generations. Let’s work together to create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.

  • Natural Carbon Capture

  • Protecting The Environment

  • Funding Available

Our Accreditaions

  • environment agency logo 480w 1
  • accreditation logo3

Working with

  • Mersey Forest Logo
  • New HQ Logo
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Get In Touch With Your Carbon Capture Requirements

    Frequently asked questions

    What is Carbon Capture?

    It is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) and storing it in a way that prevents its release into the atmosphere

    Through tree planting we are able to capture carbon and encapsulate it within trees. This binds the carbon into the material stopping it from being released into the atmosphere.