Waste Recovery

Providing construction projects with sustainable recovery solutions for their demolition waste

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We help the construction industry reduce waste material and recycle usable aggregates back into the market

Join the revolution of repurposing and recycling with our commitment to waste recovery. At Booth Ventures, we are passionate about preventing waste materials from ending up in landfills and find new ways to give them a second life.

We partner with the construction industry to recover and recycle waste materials from demolition sites such as soil, hardcore, and concrete. These resources can be used in restoration projects or transformed into new aggregate products.

Our goal is to support a circular waste economy where all waste products can be reused and repurposed for new applications. Together, let’s pave the way for a sustainable future.

  • Reduce Waste

  • Sustainable Recycling

  • Circular Economy

Our Accreditaions

  • accreditation logo1
  • accreditation logo2
  • logo tagline

Working with

  • FCC Environment logo
  • New HQ Logo
  • environment agency logo 480w 1
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Get In Touch With Your Waste Recovery Requirements

    Frequently asked questions

    What is Waste Recovery

    Waste Recovery is the process of repurposing and recycling waste materials so they can be reused.

    This depends on the waste being accepted. If we are accepting soil, it will be tested to ensure it can be used at one of our restoration sites. If we are accepting demolition waste, such as Hardcore, we crush and screen this material to produce a new recycled aggregate.